Sunday Services


9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Event Type

Beginning Again

All of the world’s great religious traditions encourage us to believe that we can initiate a new course in life. The growing scientific understanding of Neuroplasticity (our brain’s remarkable ability to reorganize its structure, functions, and connections in response to learning or experience) also affirms our ability to learn new ways of thinking and acting. Nature itself, by the turning of the seasons, seems to suggest that our lives are defined by cycles of change and renewal. This Sunday, January 5, Reverend Ed will reflect on the significance of how and why the idea of beginning again has importance for our lives as we begin a new year.

In-person worship services are held in the Sanctuary at 9:30am and 11:15am.  The 9:30 service is also available via Zoom with an online order of service. All are welcome.

Click here to learn more about attending Sunday Services.

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