Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County (UUCDC) congregants include newcomers sampling the church, attenders who come to Sunday services and special events, and members who have made a greater commitment and “signed the book.” 

The latter means they have completed the Pathway to Membership and literally penned their names in the book that documents those who have formally joined the church.

All are invited to: 

  • Attend Sunday worship services 
  • Pursue your own growth by practicing Our Values and participating in Religious Education (RE) programs, including enrolling your children and youth in Sunday School and youth programs
  • Give to fund the congregation’s operating budget and endowment
  • Serve the world, which includes volunteering both within the congregation and the wider Delaware County area
  • Advocate for social justice, equity, and diversity.

Only members participate in UUCDC’s democratic governance, including voting on decisions such as the selection of our minister and how we spend our money, or to access the Breeze Church Membership Directory, which is password protected. (If you are not already registered for access to it, please email the Congregational Administrator to obtain a username and password.) 

My UUCDC also features a calendar of church events, a leadership directoryreports on leadership meetings (password protected), church covenants, and policies and procedures.  

Explore My UUCDC to learn more about our church and why it’s where you belong