Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County (UUCDC) is driven by congregants volunteering their time, talents, and treasure.
Because there is no central Universal Unitarianism authority, UUCDC operates independently, led by Our Minister and volunteers who are elected to the Board of Trustees, which sets policy. Our Staff handles day-to-day operations. Others put their values into action by serving, for example, on such teams as the Caring Team, which helps congregants in need; the Hospitality Team, which hosts Sunday services; and the Religious Education (RE) team, made up of staff, Sunday School teachers, youth-group mentors, and others.
When people join the church, they meet with representatives of the Growth Through Service (GTS) program. The purpose of these sessions is to interview new congregants about their backgrounds, interests, and abilities, with the goal of matching them with volunteer opportunities. We also offer chances to advocate for equity, justice, and the environment.
Many congregants report that their favorite thing about UUCDC is building relationships through service and volunteering. Overall, everyone here is expected to better the church and the world.
For more information about service and volunteering, contact the membership engagement coordinator.