Sunday morning classes are a vital part of children’s Faith Formation about values, beliefs, and relationships that prepare them for successful adulthood. 

With that in mind, UUCDC offers a full program of classes for for pre-Kindergarten through grade 7. Our church school year runs mid-September to mid-May, during which Sunday School is offered from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.

Children begin in the Sanctuary with community worship for a few minutes, then are dismissed to accompany teachers to age-level classes. Occasionally, we have multigenerational worship services. On these days, children, youth, and adults are in the Sanctuary together for the full Sunday service and we share stories and activities that appeal to all ages.

Course Offerings 2024–2025

Preschool (ages 3 and 4)—Chalice Children

Our youngest explore UU values through picture books, crafts, and play.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade—Wonderful Welcome (September – mid February), Our Whole Lives (mid-February – May)

Wonderful welcome introduces the intangible gifts that we are able to give and receive as members of a UU faith community. Through stories, crafts, and games, children will explore concepts like generosity, love, stewardship, forgiveness, and others.

In February this class will switch to Our Whole Lives (OWL), a faith and sexuality program co-authored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. At the K/1 level, children learn about bodies, personal safety, and babies in a developmentally appropriate way. Parents attend information sessions in January and classes begin in early February. Due to the nature of the course, once the OWL class has started, new students and visitors are not able to join.

Grades 2 and 3–Lego ValUUes

Our 2nd and 3rd graders will take a deep dive into our newly adopted UU values: Love, Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity. They will use Legos and other materials as they explore these values in their lives. Throughout the year they will also have chances to interact with our Soul Matters monthly themes.

Grades 3 and 4–Jubilee Kids (September – January) and Our Whole Lives (February – May)

This group will start the year with Jubilee Kids, an anti-racism curriculum focused on healthy racial and ethnic identity, historical understanding, and skill building.

In February they will switch to Our Whole Lives (OWL) a faith and sexuality program co-authored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. At the 4/5 level, children learn about puberty, gender identity, sexual orientation, safety, and relationship skills in a developmentally appropriate way. Parents attend information sessions in January and classes begin in early February. Due to the nature of the course, once the OWL class has started, new students and visitors are not able to join.

Grades 6 and 7–Crossing Paths

Our sixth and seventh graders have a world religions curriculum, Crossing Paths. This curriculum is tied to our monthly Soul Matters themes and will give our middle schoolers a chance to explore the similarities and differences between Unitarian Universalism and other faiths.

When classes have ended in early spring and for the summer, children ages 5 and under are welcome in the Nursery Room in the hall to the right of the entrance to Fellowship Hall. Childcare is provided there during some Sunday services; check the schedule on the Nursery Room door for times the room is staffed. Parents also may always bring young ones to Sunday services. In baskets near the Sanctuary door, we offer activity packs for young kids to help keep little ones amused.

All children attending Sunday School must be registered here. To learn more, please email Chrissy Bushyager, Director of Faith Formation, or call 610-566-4853, ext. 203.

For grades 8 to 12, please continue to the RE Youth Programs page.