Category: Share the Plate

Media Food Bank

To help alleviate local food insecurity, January’s Share the Plate proceeds will benefit the Media Food Bank (includes the plate collection on the 2nd Sunday and any funds sent via text; IE: 20 to 610-756-8883 for a $20 donation), committed to improving lives by collecting and distributing food and resources to help support financially disadvantaged … Continue reading Media Food Bank

Women of Harmony

December’s Share the Plate recipient is Women of Harmony, supporting homeless women and children in Delaware County transitioning in and out of shelters, to overcome domestic violence, and poverty, to provide access to housing, childcare, and employment. Helping every woman to realize her dreams and visions for herself and her children.

November Share the Plate

Share the Plate: In honor of Native American month, and in working towards right relationships with Native Peoples, this month’s recipient is the Lenape Tribe of Delaware, Inc., a group with a complex history and many ongoing challenges.  The funds will be used to support their program which “works to protect the cultural identity of … Continue reading November Share the Plate

Share the Plate

Our Share the Plate recipient for October is Chester Eastside, whose mission statement reads; “Through education, advocacy and social services, Chester Eastside creates a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages and enables Chester residents to achieve their goals and aspirations and promotes peace and social justice.” You can also donate by texting your donation amount to 610-756-8883. You’ll receive … Continue reading Share the Plate

Share the Plate

Our Share the Plate recipient for June to August is Making A Change. This group helps at-risk teens in Chester. You can also donate by texting your donation amount to 610-756-8883. You’ll receive instructions in order to complete the transaction.