Join The Caring Committee!

As UUCDC begins our new church year, it’s exciting to think about all the ways we can be together again. The heart of any congregation is its members. You and me and every other member are what keep our beloved community going.

To that end, we have reformed our once thriving Caring Committee!

Honnie Townend and David Johnson have agreed to co-chair the group and will begin working with the Executive Team to formalize a vision for what our congregation needs and how best to provide it.

But Honnie and David need our help. Please consider being a part of this vital group that can provide a hand written note of condolence or a ride to a doctor’s appointment. Perhaps you’d be willing to organize some meals for someone recovering from surgery. The small ways that we can help our fellow UUCDC members is endless and doesn’t have to be an enormous time commitment. If you’d like to be a member of the committee, please contact Honnie Townend ( and David Johnson(