A church is not a building, a minister, or a doctrine.
A church is its people.

The people of Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County (UUCDC) are like-minded, but not necessarily alike. We share values, but have diverse beliefs. We provide an inclusive spiritual home, not dogma.

That’s what makes UUCDC where you belong. 

First, it’s where you belong if you want to explore spirituality, regardless of which—if any—religious tradition you come from. It’s where you belong if you wish to worship with open-minded, liberal congregants on their own personal journeys. It’s where you belong if you feel called to advocate for equity, justice, and our planet. It’s where you belong if you crave community, connection, and camaraderie. It’s where you belong if you seek Religious Education for your children that not only teaches about Unitarian Universalism, but about world religions, respect, and responsibility. 

Second, UUCDC is where you belong to a vital, nurturing congregation. Whether you choose to attend Sunday services or volunteer to serve in church life, you belong as a valued part of our community. You belong to a group of diverse individuals, ranging from young children to respected elders going through life’s Rites of Passage. You belong to a Unitarian Universalist tradition with a centuries-long history, thousands of congregations, and hundreds of thousands of members world-wide. 

In both ways, you belong here.