At Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County (UUCDC) our tradition is grounded in Judeo-Christian faiths, yet, as individuals, we have diverse concepts of God, religion, and the universe.
In our congregation, it’s not just okay to question and challenge assumptions about truth and faith; it’s encouraged. Our unity lies in the common covenant and benediction we recite on Sundays, including, “to seek truth in a spirit of love, to strive for justice, and to serve others with a joyful heart.”
We define “worship” in its broadest sense, as:
- Following Unitarian Universalist (UU) principles and practices in our daily lives
- Taking regular time to reconnect with our families, friends, and neighbors during Sunday morning services in the Sanctuary and coffee hours in Fellowship Hall, and at other church events and activities
- Serving and volunteering to help our church, fellow congregants, and ourselves
- Observing rites of passage such as births, marriages, and memorials
- Advocating for justice, equity, the environment, and other causes
- Teaching our children about UU, other religious traditions, and values such as caring, kindness, and respect
- Asking, pondering, and, as best we can, answering life’s big questions, including how to practice what we believe in, inspire ourselves and others to live ethically and joyfully, and, ultimately, spend our lives building a better world.
We draw from a variety of religious and ethical traditions as part of worship. During services, we often have readings and music from varied sources that include Eastern spirituality, Earth-centered traditions, religious humanism, and wise poetry and prose. We light a chalice at the beginning of each service and at some church events. Click here for the story of the UU chalice and its symbolism.
We invite all those seeking a spiritual home, to sample our community and, if you choose, start on the Pathway to Membership.
Join us this Sunday to learn more about what we’re all about. For YouTube videos of past worship services, click here.
At UUCDC, you are free to practice spirituality and worship your own way.