UUCDC congregants connect through caring. 

The Caring Team nurtures and supports this spirit via its three-fold mission: 

1. Recruiting and organizing volunteers able to assist UUCDC members in need. All talents and skills are welcomed and needed. Some of examples of the ways Caring Committee volunteers serve others: providing rides, delivering meals, helping with light home maintenance or technology issues, and making calls or visits. To help, contact the Caring Team

2. Serving as a compassionate, helpful resource for those who have experienced loss, illness, or other challenges. UUCDC congregants who could use a helping hand or who would welcome the support of the community during a difficult time are encouraged to reach out to the Caring Team or write a note in the caring book in the front hall lobby. A member of the team will be in touch.

3. Sharing joys and concerns as part of UUCDC’s Sunday morning worship services. To share publicly, send an email to the Caring Team and your announcement will appear on a slide on the video screen in the Sanctuary during services. To keep your joy or concern private, just drop a stone in the bowl of water during the Joys and Concerns part of the Sunday service. Either way, we celebrate your good news and support you during difficult times.

Our hearts are open and we are here to help.