At Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County (UUCDC), we believe that faith formation is a lifelong pursuit.

We constantly strive to engage our bodies, minds, and spirits as we learn about Unitarian Universalism, other religious traditions and wise-people, and issues facing our world. We live our values by offering Religious Education (RE) for children and youth, and Faith Formation for adults. 

Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith development activities are community centered. 

We learn and grow together. This can include instruction, discussion, creative activities, and, most of all, fun. Through these programs, we aim to strengthen our UU identity, inspire social advocacy and action, and reinforce UU principles as guides to life choices.

UUCDC is the place young families turn for RE that informs and inspires kids. It’s a spot where progressive ideas and liberal values are nurtured. We also value comprehensive sexual health education for children and youth. It’s where your family belongs

This starts with Sunday morning RE classes for children from preschool through middle school. Each week during the school year, families attend the 9:30 a.m. service together. After about 15 minutes, children are invited to join friendly volunteer teachers for age-appropriate activities until 10:45 a.m or whenever services end, whichever is later. 


We offer the highly acclaimed Our Whole Lives (OWL) program at various levels including Kindergarten/1st grade, 4th/5th grade, and 7th/8th grade. Click here for details about classes for 2024–2025. 

Youth groups for higher grades meet during the 11:15 a.m. service.

Children and youth religious education at UUCDC is led by Director of Faith Formation Chrissy Bushyager and run entirely as an education cooperative by enthusiastic volunteers. Parents and guardians are expected to participate by regularly bringing their kids to church, teaching, chaperoning some activities, or filling other roles. 

Teachers and advisors form lasting bonds with students, guiding them into adulthood and independence. We always need reliable volunteers to pitch in. 

For more information about children and youth programs or to volunteer for them, email Chrissy or call her at 610-566-4853, ext. 1003. Please also sign up for our weekly religious education e-newsletter published between mid-August and mid-May.

Adult Faith Formation provides adults with opportunities to learn, explore, and grow. Faith Formation classes are offered on topics such as being a UU, world religions, personal growth, social justice, and more. Programs include Soul Matters, during which small groups of congregants hold in-depth conversations about topics like faith, spirituality, and values.

All ages also have access to our Faith Development Library

Take advantage of these enriching experiences.

Recent Religious Education Newsletter Items

  • Spring Session Stars Soon
    The Jr Choir, Music is Magic is getting back to rehearsal (and goofing around) in a couple weeks on 1/26. They will be singing the special music for our flower communion service on 3/23. One of the songs they’ll be singing is called Cover Me in Sunshine, written by Philly’s own P!nk which features her daughter in the original version. If you were in the choir in the Fall there is no need to reregister — we assume you want to continue the fun! If your child is between 3rd and 8th grade and would like to join you can register here.
  • Spotlight on Coming Of Age (COA)
    As a faith community we mark the transition from Child to Adolescent through a program called Coming of Age.  During the COA year, 8th/9th graders participate in a variety of workshops, challenges, and fun activities aimed at helping youth further define who they are and what they stand for.  The COA experience culminates in a camping weekend with physical and mental challenges, including an extended solo vigil in the woods. At the end of the camping weekend, parents/guardians are invited to camp to re-covenant with their adolescent in a ritual that acknowledges the need for new privileges as well as new responsibilities within the family. Mark your calendars for Sunday May 18th when the COA youth will lead worship and share their reflections with the congregation.
  • Hot Soup for a Chilly Sunday
    The YUUCKIs are fundraising for a trip to General Assembly in Baltimore this Summer. Our YUUCKI youth will host a soup lunch this Sunday, January 12 after both services at UUCDC. Our youth make a variety of soups and sell them for $5/bowl.  You can eat in Fellowship Hall or take your soup to go.
  • Sunday, January 5
    There will be 9:30 am Service in person and on Zoom and classes for Preschool-7th grade. Coffee hour will be between services. The 11:15 a.m. Service will be in person only. During that time, COA and Older Youth will meet.
  • February: Elementary OWL Coming Soon
    Our Elementary Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum will start in February for our K/1st and 4th/5th grade classes. The OWL program provides evidence based, age-appropriate sexuality education. In K/1 OWL, children will learn about bodies, safety, families, and babies. 4th/5th OWL focuses on puberty and includes lessons on anatomy, safety, communication skills, reproduction, gender, sexual orientation, and more. Registration information will be e-mailed to parents later this week.