Congregational Survey

A Congregational Survey has just been completed. It is designed to provide a comprehensive picture of our congregation for aspiring ministerial candidates: who we are, what we think about UUCDC, and what we are committed to. It will help show what we want and what we as a congregation need from UUCDC, as well as from a minister. Four questions asked respondents to provide answers in one or two words. Word clouds have been created to show those responses.

Search Parties and Focus Groups

Search parties have begun. These are open discussions where members can share their thoughts more fully with each other and with members of the search committee. There will also be a number of focus groups for people who fall into specific categories, such as those who serve in religious education or are on the board. These discussions will help to inform and guide the committee as they review information on prospective candidates this winter.

Break Barriers, Build Beliefs

The Search Committee, in conjunction with the UUA, will be holding a Break Barriers, Build Beliefs (B4) workshop on Saturday, November 9, from 10 AM till 2 PM in the sanctuary and online. It will be led by Rev. Christe Lunsford (they/them), a trained facilitator and Interim Minister at the UU Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A non-binary/trans-masculine person, Rev. Lunsford is committed to serving the larger faith community as a member of the UU Ministerial Association(UUMA), and as a co-leader of the UUMA Trans/Nonbinary Chapter. This workshop will promote inclusive thinking and help prevent discrimination during the ministerial search process. Registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

Documentation for Ministerial Candidates

The Congregational Record, a history of our congregation, is being updated. That and many other documents, such as policies and others pertaining to the functioning of UUCDC, are being compiled. These documents, which are available to members, will be provided to candidates. In addition, there will be a video compilation of members and friends of UUCDC saying what they love about UUCDC.

Ministerial Search Committee

The Ministerial Search Committee was installed on June 9, 2024.

Penny Bartlett

From the first time I visited UUCDC in the summer of 1993 with Lori Rice Spring when services were lay-led, I was hooked. Although the service was about reincarnation, something that I didn’t really believe in, I thought that most churches would never allow a discussion on it and I wanted to be a part of a church that had open minds.

Since then I have been President, President Elect, Acting President, RE Co-Chair, RE Teacher, Coordinating Council Chair, Fund Drive Member, Auction Chair, 50th Anniversary Chair, and have been a Hospitality person before the church even called it that!. I started a Young Families Group way back, helped start the Quilting Group, helped start the Chili, Chocolate and Home Brew Event, and helped organize the service on 9/11 which was truly a moving experience. I have helped feed the homeless, read to kids in Chester, marched in Philly, supported local Democrats, and attended GA. To me, the most important thing I ever did was to be on the Search Committee that called Rev Peter. That was an amazing, moving and wonderful experience I could write a book about!

My 2 kids (who are now 31 and 33 and live elsewhere) grew up in the church and they are both so grateful that they had this church in their lives to this day. I am so thankful for the assistance this church gave me in helping them to become the people they are today. I have also made so many friends and had so much fun with people in this church. In the very long-term future I plan to spend my days lounging in the Memorial Garden watching this church unfold and continue to blossom!

Sharon Fichthorn

Sharon Fichthorn has been a member of UUCDC since 2015, joining the congregation after attending UU101 and being impressed with how well the church lives out its mission. Sharon presently serves as team leader of the Media Food Bank team, and as a Worship Associate/Worship Committee member. She is also a member of the Hospitality team and the Community Activities team. Sharon is a retired Quaker school administrator and teacher. She believes that her experiences in Quaker education will support her in her role on the Search Committee. Sharon lives in Media with her partner, Gabby Sacks, and their three spoiled rescue dogs, Calvin, Dustin and Nate. When not at UUCDC, Sharon enjoys simple pleasures like cooking, gardening, traveling, tackling home improvement projects and listening to music.

Craig Harris

Craig and his wife Donna have been members of UUCDC for 20 years. Both of their daughters had the privilege of going through UUCDC’s religious education (RE) program. From the beginning, Craig has been involved with UUCDC. He built an earlier version of the website, and was a member of the Lay Leadership Council, a precursor to the Board, on which he has served in several capacities. He was a founding member of the Anti-Racism Coalition, has been involved in our RE program, is currently a member of the choir, and is a co-editor of the newsletter Connections. And you may have tasted one or more of his chocolate creations at our Chili, Chocolate and Homebrew Challenges. (He holds a first-place apron.)

Lisa Jacobs

Lisa Jacobs grew up Unitarian Universalist and has served as a worship associate at UUCDC since 2019. She is a member of the Worship Committee and has presented lay-led services focusing on Universalist and earth-centered spirituality. She is a Companion in the Ancient Order of Druids in America. Lisa enjoys volunteering as Assistant Scoutmaster in her son’s Boy Scout Troop and watching the lively antics in her family’s rewilded garden. Lisa has been a professional in fiber arts for fifteen years, teaching classes in knitting, crochet and embroidery and publishing numerous patterns in national knitting magazines. Before that she served as the executive director of a small museum for five years.

Melissa Nedza

Melissa Nedza has been a member of UUCDC since 2015. She has been a UU since her early 20’s when she attended her first Unitarian Universalist Church in Brunswick Maine. Melissa is married to Dennis Lloyd and they have a 6 year old son Finnegan. Melissa has been involved at UUCDC in the following ways: being an RE teacher, singing in the choir for several years, being on the Executive Team serving for one year in Membership Engagement, creating movements to go with the song Spirit of Life, restarting a Parent Soul Matters Group, and most recently she offered a Spring Equinox celebration outdoors. Melissa is a psychotherapist at private practice in Paoli where she offers trauma-informed therapy.

Derrick Schweitzer

Derrick has been a UU for almost 25 years. Prior to joining UUCDC in 2007, he and his wife, Kelli, were members of the Unitarian Society of Germantown and First UU Church of Philadelphia. Both of his boys attended Religious Education classes through High School. Derrick has taught RE classes for most of his time at UUCDC from K/1 Our Whole Lives through being a Coming of Age mentor. He has also been active with the COVID Task Force, Hunger Task Force, and Chili, Chocolate, Homebrew competition. Derrick enjoys taking hikes in nature, reading, and homebrewing.

Anne Stauffer

Anne Stauffer is a relatively new member of UUCDC. She joined just over a year ago after experiencing the warm and welcoming atmosphere that is nurtured by the congregation. The church has become a spiritual home for herself, her husband, and their five-year-old daughter. She participates with the Families Group of the church on activities including the yard sale, a Halloween event, the camping weekend, and the Families Soul Matters group. She also joined the Activities Committee and the Hospitality Team. She loves music, ceramics, nature, and learning new things.

Marva Williams

Marva has been a Universalist Unitarian for over 30 years. She has been a member of First Church of Pittsburgh, Second Unitarian Church of Chicago, and is currently a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County. Marva has volunteered with several congregational committees, including the Nominating Committee, Committee on Ministries, Membership Committee, and various fundraising activities. In addition, she was a chair of a church board. She also served on the UUA Committee on Socially Responsible Investing and most recently Search for the President of the UUA.

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