Topic: Beauty

Beauty Betwixt and Between

I was sitting in my room thinking of how big liminality is and how I would bring it to you today. I had at least seven different half sermons circulating each with its own merit and open space to develop, yet none of them seemed right. I turned to my phone, in frustration. I was … Continue reading Beauty Betwixt and Between

The School of Hard Knocks

If I believed in such things, I would say that my father-in-law, Dan Fitzpatrick, is looking down and laughing at me right now. He would find it at least entertaining if not completely ridiculous that I, with all my fancy degrees, would be standing before you complaining about having to learn things “the hard way.” … Continue reading The School of Hard Knocks

Beauty Everywhere

I don’t know what it was about this past spring, but it struck me as incredibly, intensely beautiful. Maybe it’s because a lot of it was cold and wet and dreary, so when the daffodils, and the tulips, and the azaleas, and the lilacs, and all the other flowering trees burst into being, they stunned … Continue reading Beauty Everywhere

COA Service

Coming of Age Youth (COA) service where the youth discuss their year of learning. No text or audio is available.