Entries by Craig Harris

Ministerial Search Update

On January 2, the Ministerial Search Committee received a list of persons who have voiced interest in becoming our settled minister in the fall. Over the following week, the members of the committee reviewed their detailed written applications and viewed sample sermons to get a better sense of whether they would be a good fit […]

Do you like wearing royal clothes?

The origin of the word corduroy is fuzzy. Originally made of silk and worn by royal servants, modern corduroy was a product of the industrial revolution in the 1700s. A clever marketing ploy said it was corde du roi, “ropes of the king.” But it was really from cord duroy, rope with a heavy woolen […]


In keeping with the Soul Matters theme for January of Story, the Indigo Girls tell about a tragic event. They suggest that you take your time as you look at the fork in the road for moving forward. When you’re learning to face the path at your pace, every choice is worth your while. Listen […]

Making a Change Group

The Share the Plate recipient for January is the Making a Change Group, which supports individuals and families in the city of Chester, PA and surrounding municipalities striving to achieve positive change for themselves, their families, and their communities. Their programs include 1) violence intervention and prevention, 2) youth mentoring, and 3) multi-level support for […]

Where was the first 360-degree rotating dining space?

Seattle’s Space Needle? Nah. Let’s go back to 1st century Rome. Nero’s Golden Palace contained a 52-foot circular dining hall that rested on a 13-foot pillar with four spherical mechanisms. It rotated day and night to imitate the motion of the celestial bodies around the Earth and, of course, to impress his guests. The rotation […]

Building a New Way

The height of the pandemic provided a challenge for choirs. But the problem of having many voices singing together was not insurmountable. It just took doing things a new way. And as we are starting a new year, here is Building a New Way as performed by the Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton and Upton.

The Search Is In High Gear

The Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) has been very active throughout the summer and fall. On January 2, the MSC will have access to information on candidates who are interested in becoming the settled minister at UUCDC. The number of applicants is unknown at this point, and there could be more names coming in before the […]

When was Santa Claus stolen?

The Bishop of Myra, aka Santa Claus, was born into a rich family in Turkey in 270 C.E. and delighted in giving gifts. After his death, sailors spread his story and he gained sainthood as Saint Nicholas. His bones began to secrete a liquid called manna or myrrh, which was said to possess potent healing […]

Poetry Gathering Forming

All are invited to join the new UUCDC Poetry Jam! This is a safe, supportive environment for everyone from beginners to published poets. There is a world to write about! Sheila Fox, a member of the Mad Poets Society, will lead the group. The first meeting will be on January 10 at 1 PM at […]