Category: Words of Wisdom

Here are selected quotes from past sermons at UUCDC.

My Principles

“I have a total of 29 principles. I want to share some of them with you: 1. Be grateful as often as possible and as deeply as possible for as many things as possible. 2. Act responsibly even when other people act irresponsibly. 3. Create win-win solutions. 4. Always take full responsibility for your words, … Continue reading My Principles

On Resilience

“It is a unique fact of life that resilience is grounded in and based in our capacity to share with our loved ones and to share with one another what is happening in our lives to the fullest possible extent. But here’s the other part of that: The people who are hearing what we have … Continue reading On Resilience

On Imagination

Rev. Lewis McGee was a humanist Unitarian minister and founder of the Free Religious Fellowship, an intentionally interracial Unitarian fellowship in Chicago. One of his most famous quotes was: “We believe in the human capacity to solve individual and social problems and to make progress. We believe in a continuing search for truth and hence … Continue reading On Imagination

The Health of Society

“The health of a society’s institutions matters and can be measured in terms of access to food, housing, quality education, health care, employment, job security, political stability, individual freedom, and environmental quality. As goes the health of society’s institutions, so goes the health of society.” —Reverend Ed Brock, August 27, 2023