In the survey, there were four questions that asked respondents to either fill in a blank or answer a question using one or two words.

  • In one or two words, I would be concerned if the new minister tried to change:
  • In one or two words, I would be excited and energized if the new minister tried to change:
  • In a word, to you, what is the most important trait for a minister to have as they work with this congregation?
  • In a word, ministers should consider this congregation because we are:

The responses have been compiled into word clouds, images that show those words or phrases. The size of those words are relative to the number of same responses.

Note: Some of the questions received over 70 different responses. For clarity of the images, and to better represent the spirit of the responses, words that were similar in meaning were represented by a single word.

Concerned if changed word cloud Excited if changed word cloud Ministerial traits word cloud Who we are word cloud

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